Thursday, May 26, 2022

Our First "Chrisy Day"

Previously scheduled Chrisy Days were interrupted with Millie's little run-in with a pit bull so yesterday was truly a Chrisy Day - one where the boat doesn't move and we're able to take in the town.  Shockingly, Chrisy elected to spend some of her special day visiting a museum.  For those who don't know, museums are not high on Chrisy's to-do list when she visits a new area - or an old area for that matter.  They tend to put her to sleep, and she's literally yawning within minutes of entry.  

We visited the Hudson River Maritime Museum which wasn't too much of an endeavor as we are on their docks and as a further inducement they grant free admission to those who are on the docks.  The exhibits don't actually open to the public until the weekend, but we were granted permission to go on a self-guided tour.  The museum sits at the terminus of the Delaware and Hudson Canal in Kingston, NY.  The canal was built to transport coal from Pennsylvania to the Hudson River.  Not only did the museum do a nice job of explaining the history of the canal, but it also gave a nice history of the region.  The irony of our visit was that Roger was actually yawning before Chrisy.

Captain Chrisy at the helm

For dinner, we were able to catch up with good friends Kim and Brian Mauch. The Mauchs also happen to be the parents of Eric's good friend Devin.  The dinner was wonderful, but we had to leave the golfing and brewery tours for another visit.


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